Black Jack🖤

Black Jack 🖤🌟
Oh Black, life hasn’t been fair to you. We wanted more for you, so much more.
Nine years on chains, surviving day after day, watching time go by, in a prison where you shouldn’t be. You lacked love, affection and freedom and we can’t imagine what it’s like to live so many years in the same space, carrying the weight of a chain that took years of your life.
Then there were a few more years in an association and finally a year and a month in our shelter.
It was not the future we planned for you, such a kind, friendly and special dog.
No dog should pass away without having a real family. Throughout this year you have been winning the hearts of all those around you and we have done everything in our power for you.
Always smiling, in a good mood and with your usual good energy. Leishmaniasis and hypothyroidism were a burden you had to carry but that never brought you down. The same didn’t happen in your fight against cancer that took you away from us faster than we imagined.
You were very strong Black, a great warrior and we are so proud of you that you will be forever in our hearts.
Charlotte, a volunteer who accompanied you, created a very strong bond with you, gave you the closest to a home and was with you until the last second, we are very grateful to her for that. She will never forget you and you were family to her.
Until we meet again Black, life is a passageway and yours was not in vain.
“Angels never die…” 🖤