How you can help
The cost of running Cabanita is substantial (approximately €40,000 per month) and help of any kind is always deeply appreciated. Below are some of the ways you may consider being involved. So far we have cared, repaired and rehomed in excess of 1000 animals and received not a single Euro from Government or Town Hall.

Bank Transfer:
Abrigo dos Animais
NIB: 0033-0000- 45526891995-05
IBAN: PT50-0033-0000-45526891995-05
MBWAY - 910 476 880

We depend on people´s kindness/generosity to save the animals we rescued. With a monthly donation as littleas €2 per month we can make a lasting impact in their lives.
To help making a regular donation:
IBAN: PT50-0033-0000-45526891995-05 OR
Six different ways to help
In normal times we ourselves would look to put on 3 or 4 events. This year of course we have not been able to do any, meaning a significant shortfall in our income. We would welcome any suggestions for ways to generate additional funds.
We are always looking for local part-time volunteers particularly for dog walking and animal socialising.
We have the facility for any animal(s) to be specifically sponsored while they are still in the shelter and waiting to be rehomed.
We often do have a need for foster families. This is normally (but not exclusively) for puppies and kittens. Fosterers need to be dedicated individuals with the time and knowledge of caring for and looking after young animals.
Donations of any kind, e.g food, bowls, collars, leads, blankets, beds, toys, grooming equipment etc are always more than welcome. If however you wish to donate money, this can be a one-off or perhaps better still a periodic standing order directly into our account. No amount is too small and will be very much appreciated.
Legacy Donations
This is often a popular way for somebody who is not necessarily able to donate immediately but by donating from their estate on their demise. We are also introducing a scheme whereby when a person passes away we will guarantee to take in their beloved pet(s) if nobody else will undertake to secure the future care of their animal(s). This scheme will/should put many animal lovers' minds at ease but has to be set up with legal and executor prior awareness.
when you sponsor one of our animals...
Sponsor one of our animals
Donate whatever you can each month

Satisfaction for you
Feel proud that you have helped a defensive animal on the way to recovery

Receive updates on animals progress
Receive monthly updates, progress and photos of your sponsored animal via email.

Notifications of adoption
See your sponsored animal in its new home with its new family.

Allegra True Story
A heart-warming story featuring special needs dogs.
A video that we hope will touch your hearts and inspire the world to see with different eyes those who are not physically equal but whose ability to live and love is the same.
We have more than one hundred lives in charge, all of them of the same importance, from the smallest to the largest, from the babies to our beloved seniors, healthy or sick, blind, deaf, tripods or even without two members, they all deserve the opportunity to find a home!

...Checkout our branded Merchandising

...Checkout our branded Merchandising
All photos of animals featuring on our website, have been through us or are still with us.
Abrigo Dos Animais © 2020 | All Rights Reserved. Association for the protection of Animals. Registered Charity No 514692049 in Loule.
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