Mago & Nila

Almost all of our followers and volunteers know Mago, a paraplegic dog who arrived at the shelter over a year ago and has won many hearts. The dog who always loved going to do the awareness sessions in schools. Mago was beaten by his former tutor who left him paraplegic, yet he never stopped being a happy dog and capable of anything! With his wheelchair nobody stops him, the dog loves people, especially children and loves toys and being the centre of attention.
Nila was found in the street as a baby and later came to the shelter, a strong personality and a bit problematic at first, at the same time always fun and full of life.
One day Marco came to us, asked us if he could stay as a volunteer and he did, much longer than he himself would have imagined staying. He conquered the team with his inexhaustible energy, good humour, humility and kindness. He fell in love with Nila, their energies are in fact very similar, and later he wanted to give a chance to a more needy dog and it was then that his passion for Mago arose. Unfortunately families adopting paraplegic and incontinent dogs are rare.
Now it’s time for Marco, Mago and Nila to follow their journey around the world, together they are exploring beautiful places that make us envious and miss them. We know they will be back soon because Marco can’t stand missing the team and Bijou, a senior dog who has connected a lot with him and who knows, maybe Marco’s family will get bigger.
Have fun!!!